Friday, February 27, 2009

Tulip's trip to the vet

This morning I took Tulip to the vet. She thought her morning was going to be like all of the others. Little did she know.

Among the developments:
-she "aged" 5 weeks, we thought she was 9 weeks when we got her, turns out she was actually 14 weeks, which bodes extremely well for her potential to remain a petite flower throughout her lifetime, but does not bode extremely well for training as we now have an almost 4 month puppy with little training-eek!
-she was repeatedly called headstrong and strong-minded, which is interesting because we were sure we had picked the beta puppy who would be easily trained. As we were leaving, the vet did say that puppies of her personality tend to grow up to be the best dogs if properly trained
-she (mostly we) were assigned homework: holding her in a submissive position and massaging her teeth, ears, and toes. Oh the joy.
-she got both intranasal and intramuscular administrations of shots. Which she loved.
-she told she's doubled her weight in the past 21 days. Which most females would find very disturbing, but is good for her. And she might just be svelte according to the vet.
-and most importantly of all, Tulip discovered she has a FOXY vet! And the foxy vet brought up that he has 2 puppies, from the same place, that look like Tulip. Could a playdate be far off?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's your birthday...and I'll celebrate even if you don't want to!

Happy Birthday E!!!!

Jaws of Terror

Ba-dam. Ba-dam.
Instead of being the key notes of Jaws, they should really be used to warn unsuspecting bystanders, and suspecting owners, of the terrifying teefhs that are approaching. Our sweet little puppy has a jaw of terror. We are told that all puppies do. We are smart, aware women. Yet every time that toothsome grin closes upon us, we squeal. In frustration, in annoyance, and mostly in pain. She is so perfectly pretty and lovable most of the time.

And then, there are the times of terror.


Sometimes you come to a realization
Sometimes you come to realizations about yourself and others
Sometimes you can't wait to share your realization
Sometimes, you get your breath taken away, and your heart a little bit broken
Sometimes, you even get a lot bit broken
Sometimes you keep your discovery to yourself so you don't get lose your footing
But I think you should always share your discoveries and realizations, particularly about relationships, because you never know whats really happening on the other side. And even if you do get bruised a bit, or a lot bit broken, at least you shared, because to hold in for protection is just self-infliction of the wounds, and bridling yourself.

So be like the dandelion in the breeze, and let a little bit of fluff you've been holding onto float upon the zephyr, I know that I am trying to let my fluff reach its rightful place!