Saturday, May 30, 2009

Duck, Duck, Duck, BEACH!





My sistah and I just returned from an amazing week at the beach. We made great new friends, caught up with some old ones, and body surfed many a wave.

There were walks on the beach, seashells found [please note the size of the gray one-positively immense :) ]

crabs caught and introduced to UCF [Ultimate Crab Fighting-how long can you stand as a part of the circle of feet when the crab is crawling on YOUR toes?], playoff games contested, sunrises watched, and constellations found.

And hours and hours of hot-tubbing-if only we had a photo of the hot tub crew :) Or I guess a pitcure of Adam's prun-y feet would pretty much sum it all up.

Awesome week with wonderful people in a beautiful place-does it get any better?

Oh, and there was the karaoke...