Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh the Tuesday Morning Market

This week I was able to make my return to the Cresent City Farmer's Market due to Spring Break and the absence of 8am Anatomy from my Tuesday schedule! Was very exciting. After an uncomfortable phone call I was on my way on my own, which is really how I like to go to the market. So much fun to explore on my own! Until I went, I didn't really realize how much I missed going every week.

I didn't make it into the Market until about 9:07, so I headed DIRECTLY to Miss Taylor, wrapped in wild hopes that she still had eggs. Our conversation went a little something like this:
Me: Good Morning Miss Taylor, its so good to see you!
Miss Taylor: Oh heeeeeelllllo, bayhbay, it sure is gooood to see you
Me: Do you by any chance have any eggs left this morning?
Miss Taylor: Oh Bayhbay, no more eggs
Me: Oh shoot, I knew I was going to be late and miss them, and I so love your eggs!
Miss Taylor: Oh Bayhbay, there weren't no eggs this morning
Me: Oh, well that makes me feel a little better, did you sell them early?
Miss Taylor: Bayhbay, we ain't gunna have no more eggs until we get some new chickens.
Me: Oh (its's becoming a little more clear to me)
Miss Taylor (not seeing that I'm beginning to understand): those lay-ers met their end this winter in the bottom of my stock pot. And that soup was goo-od.
Me: Oh, well I am glad it was tasty Miss Taylor. Any idea when you will have eggs again?
Miss Taylor: Bayhbay, its hard to come by good lay-ers, so I just ain't sure. But the Meat Man has about 38 dozen baby cluckers over there.
Me: Ok, thank you Miss Taylor!

Then I headed over to the Meat Man. He looked like a lumberjack. Or basically what you might imagine a very rural Louisiana butcher might look like. I wait my turn. My turn arrives. I ask for 3 dozen eggs...

Me: Good Morning Sir, may I please have 3 dozen eggs (there are literally STACKS of egg cartons on the table)?
Meat Man: 3 dozen's sure a lot for a mite like you.
Me: Oh they aren't all for me, I get them for my friends as well.
Meat Man: Well alrighty then, what else you want?
Me: Oh that's all, just the eggs, thank you
Meat Man: Now little lady, you be needing some meat with those eggs.
Me: Thank you, but I'm vegitarian, so the eggs will be plenty
Meat Man: VEGITARIAN?!?! You know those there eggs came from a chicken right? Which is an animal
Me: Yes, I am aware of that sir, but thank you for pointing it out, if I hadn't known that would be good information to learn
Meat Man: You know hunny, good for you, you're keeping some pretty famous company you know
Me: Excuse me?
Meat Man: Yep little lady, Hitler was a vegitarian.

So in the end I got my farm fresh brown eggs. And a lecture, because I wouldn't eat this

Or this

It was quite a morning at the market!