Today I was awakened very early by a VERY exciting was from E and said...
"It's SNOWING" (betcha thought this was going somewhere else when you saw the Boot photo)
Ok, the caps is me, E only cap'ped the S, but still! I think it deserves all caps.
As I drove my sistah to work, I made her basically hang out the window in a quest to perfectly capture this rare occasion...snow in New Orleans.
Now, being an Ohio girl, unlike some of the population here at Tulane and in NOLA, I have seen snow, and am quite familiar with it. And seriously love it. Snow in New Orleans?
Pretty much unheard of, but the absolute perfect combo!!!!
So after dropping my sistah off at work (click here to see the most adorable picture EVER! I'm super jealous and wish I had one in the snow!) I proceeded to drive around the city taking umpteen photos (seriously, I filled two camera's memory cards and ran both batteries down!).
And tried to get E to come out and play in the snow, and (charge the camera batteries/upload photos onto his computer)...but alas, he was busy in a meeting. So I settled for this photo of the baby palm outside his office...
And in case you were wondering, it has now progressed from snow to an ice-storm of sorts, with pellets of hail and such. So wintery. So amazing!
As they say...It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! (And in our case, much more festive and Christmas-y than ever before!!!!) I'm off to build a mini chocolate later anyone?