Friday, April 24, 2009

Polka Dots

I love polka dots.

I like big polka dots, I like small polka dots, I like black & white polka dots, I like colored polka dots and my very fave polka dots are color-on-color polka dots (ie white on white), which are actually quite hard to find. Anyways, I love them.

This year it was pointed out to me that the seats in my car are basically polka dotted, to which I replied: 'what's life without polka dots?'

Silly as it sounds, I feel that this question is something I try to apply in my daily life. Polka dots, to me, are happy, bright, and cheerful things that are not ultimately necessary for maintaining life, but one could argue that what they symbolize is vital for a meaningful life.

A new but dear friend had the sweetest, most thoughtful present made for my birthday involving polka dots. Thank you for being you and don't ever let the haters get you down or try to change you: you are wonderful and amazing and GOING TO MED SCHOOL IN THE FALL!!!! I am so proud! Better get your polka dotted party hat out, once exams are over, we are going to celebrate across the town!