Thursday, July 30, 2009

A little bit of time and work can go a long way

If you take this

and work it and baby it and thin it out and have friends hold it so it doesn't get sticky or clumpy or fold

and feed it through these teeth

you end up with this!

A Checklist of the Evening:
pasta made from scratch, check
pasta sauce made from scratch, check
parmesan butter, check
maximo's salad with parm curls, check
farmer's market fresh peaches, check
angel food cake {not homemade after the Tahoe cake incident}, check
whipped cream made from scratch, check
table cloth on the table, check
riveting episode of SYTYCD, check
well behaved puppy, 3/4 check

{She was really quite good: charming, well-behaved, polite, until the whipped cream came out. And who can really blame her for wanting some of that deliciousness?}